Connecting with Mother Earth – with plants at home

Often when I want or feel the need to connect with Mother Earth, ground myself, I think I have to go out and away to do so. But as many others in this world we have plants at home. Plants and soil = Mother Earth, right? In my opinion, it does. And since some of our plants has been in a serious need of TLC I took it upon myself to deal with it. Also because I was the one who had overwatered them >_<

As you can see, they were not doing so great. The fern has taken too much sun which caused the green to turn brown and die; the what we in Sweden call Elefantöra had mold on its soil! and the third I don’t even know what kind of plant it is, but it had a too small pot and no support for its heavy body.

Before I moved away from home I would just water the plants when mum told me to, but now that I sort of live on my own I have to know the plants myself.. which is almost like caring for a baby, like with the bunny babies. So I spent a long time searching and reading up on the plants we have, to get to know them a bit better and I learned that most of our plants are tropical plants who likes humid and moist, but not too much nor too little. The most exciting facts I found was that the Elefantöra plant, which my dutch boyfriend calls Pancake plant, will grow bigger leafs if it’s placed further back into the room and still have access to sunlight.

I had overwatered quite a bit. Two buckets like that in the photos, from four plants in total!! Now that they are emptied of water and I have repotted the ones who needed it, I have them to dry up as much as possible for them. Some plants have a new home in the room too and I really like the set up we have now. It is more like a jungle.

I really enjoyed working with nature and its soil again, to burry my hands into the dirt and tune into the plants, connect with them and breathe with them. Sometimes when we feel like we *have to go* somewhere, I find that it’s mostly to my own center and home I’m being called. Mother Earth doesn’t mean you have to go away to connect with her, she is right there with you. The ground on which you stand and walk, cycle or drive your car. The plants that brings green and beauty to your homes. In our hearts.

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